Eta E.M.P.I.R.E Class
Class: Fall 2014
Class Dad: J.R. Ellasos
Program Educator: Deepesh Patel
Captain: Kenneth Yap
Co-Captain: Timmy La
Anchor: Kevin Wu


Chris Vinzons

Ethnicity: Filipino
Major: Computer Science

Big Brother: Kevin Tang
Little Brother: Christopher Rattanasamay, Yinusa Amusa, Jaime Bazan

I would like to thank my line for supporting me throughout and telling me that we would make it and we did! I also would like to thank for my big bro, Kevin Tang for giving me the words of encouragement when I needed it the most. Thanks to my PE, Deepesh Patel for teaching us meaningful lessons that will affect me forever. And lastly I would like to thank my PD, J.R Ellasos for always being the role model I could look up to.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. -Steve Jobs

Christian De Asis

Ethnicity: Filipino
Major: Bioengineering

Big Brother: Vinzenz Tordecilla
Little Brother: Rishi Bhingradia

Props to my big bro for never taking it easy on me. To my pops who was always there for us and giving us moral support, and to our mom who nourished us. And to my educator, he showed me that you don’t need to yell to get the message across and teach others. Finally, props to my line for never giving up on each other, even when we lost it all.

“The human body has limitations. The human spirit is boundless.” – Dean Karnazes

Kenneth Yap

Ethnicity: Taiwanese/Filipino
Major: Pre-Law

Big Brother: Jiefu Zhang
Little Brothers: Huy Le, Shawn Rattan, Peter Van, Kevin Ho

Firstly, props to my Biggie, Jeff. He has always been there for me and has never failed to motivate me. He always gives wise words. He’s truly made an IMPACT on me. Love you, Biggie! Props to my PD and PM, J.R. Ellasos and Naomi Choi! You guys are always supportive and caring. The two of you always looked out for us and always brought us back on the right track, especially when times were rough. You two are cute. I am so proud to call you guys my Pops and Mama. To my PE, Deepesh Patel. Thank you for teaching us the way to become gentlemen. With a critical eye, strict words, and trollish comments, I believe the lessons got through. Also props to all the Actives who show up to accompany us. I realize you guys take a lot out of your time and I respect all of you. Finally to my line, we did it boys! We’ve been through so much, we’ve seen each other at our highs and our lows. I couldn’t ask for better line brothers. We have stood firm through all kinds of hardship. We used to be individual states and countries, but after everything that we have been through, we have become the ETA E.M.P.I.R.E.! I couldn’t have made it through without you guys. Much love. <3

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” ~Steve Jobs

Kevin Wu

Ethnicity: Taiwanese
Major: Chemical Engineering/Pre Medicine

Big Brother: Michael Thomas Lee

First, I’d like to thank the actives for inspiring me to even begin the process. Initially wary of joining a fraternity, it was their open display of brotherhood towards each other that solidified my decision to choose Kappa Pi Beta. It was that idea that one day I’d be amongst them sharing those moments that drove me to pick myself up from the ground time and time again. Now, I’ve found exactly that with my big bro, Michael Thomas “EMP” Lee, my PD, John Raymond “CEO” Ellasos, my PM, Naomi Choi, and in my line brothers. To my big, your willingness to go the extra mile has taught me how to look forward rather than mull over the past. To my PD and PM, thanks for believing in an incomplete product – I will make you proud one day. To my line brothers: you sacrificed everything to earn the right to call me a brother. I’ll never forget it. Finally, I’d like to give props to my PE, Deepesh “Virgil” Patel: raising gentleman from slobbery, incoherent kids is a difficult task, but methodically and effectively, you carved us into the image you wanted. Thank you all!

“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, [and] difficulty.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Timmy La

Ethnicity: Chinese/Vietnamese
Major: Accounting

Big Brother: James Vuong
Little Brother: Timothy Choi, Cory Matsumoto

To start things off, huge thanks to my biggie James Vuong for always supporting me, motivating me, pushing me beyond my limits, putting me on the right track, and always finding time to hang out with me. Thanks to my pops for never giving up or losing faith. He always inspired us, kept our heads held high, and most of all, was proud of all the things we did and believed in his kids. Props to a very important figure in the process: our PE, Deepesh Patel. He has taught us so many lessons that we can incorporate into our personal lives. Thanks for molding us into the people we are today and passing down your knowledge to your students! To my ahjumma mom, Naomi Choi: you will always be ahjumma. Thanks for always trying to spend time with us regardless of what you had to do, for feeding us, and for giving us great moral support to continue until the end. In addition, I would also like to give a huge thanks to the active house for using time from their busy schedules to help push us through to the finish line. Last, but definitely not the least, I would like to give massive props to the ETA E.M.P.I.R.E.! We made it! We have experienced funny, awkward, and frustrating times with each other that I would never trade for anything else. Thanks for the crazy rollercoaster, line!

“Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.” – Victor Kiam